Hi, I'm Adam.

A photo of me

About Me

I'm a recent Master of IT graduate from the University of Melbourne. Throughout my studies I developed strong technical skills in software engineering, cybersecurity, and data storage & analytics. My capstone project was building an AI video recommender algorithm for a medical education site.

I have a background in hospitality and customer service roles. I enjoy hiking, sim racing, weightlifting and optimising things.


2023Completed my Master of Information Technology (Computing) with Distinction from the University of Melbourne.
2019 Graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics & Finance) with Distinction, from the University of Melbourne.
2016 Completed VCE with a 96.35 ATAR score at McKinnon Secondary College, Melbourne.

Experienced With

  • + JavaScript, TypeScript, React, NextJS, Postman
  • + SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Supabase, QGIS
  • + Python (PyTorch, NumPy, scikit-learn, openCV)
  • + Git (GitHub)

My Projects


+ A full-stack web app that allows users track their habits and todos, with support for due dates and times, starred tasks, and more!

+ Built with NextJS, ReactJS, Tailwind and Supabase

+ Clean and responsive UI with optimistic updates

An image of HabitTracker
An image of HabitTracker
An image of HabitTracker


+ A webapp allowing users to compare TV show rating trends and view best episodes

+ Created using NextJS, ChartJS, Tailwind and TMDB's developer API, deployed on Vercel

+ Clean and responsive UI with support for dark mode